Tuesday, December 14, 2010

FIrst snow!

Well, its the first snowfall of the year, and the first snowfall we've had on our boat.
We bought the boat in April and though it was in the 30's for the first month, we never got snow. The temperatures have been below 30 for a few days and we've been running the Dickinson on medium/high pretty constantly. We're also running the electric heater in the mornings and that has been a big help to boost the temperature.
The Dickinson consumes somewhere between 1.29 and 3.20 gallons of diesel every 24 hours. Since we don't yet have a good way of sounding out tanks we've been estimating the usage and adding more fuel every 2 weeks. So far, we haven't run out, so at least our estimating skills are not too shabby.

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